Riding your bicycle at night is dangerous on busy streets, especially if you've got no bike lights. In most states, it's illegal to ride your bike at night without any lights because drivers on the road won't be able to see you until it's too late. Plus, how is anybody going to notice your sweet ride without a little illumination?
Kill two birds with one stone and rig your bike up with some sweet lightcycle-esque wheels.
Instructables user LongToe's quick light solution is weaving LED rope lights into the spokes of his bike wheels.
He then rigged AAA battery holders onto the frame to power the LED lights. It'll take a little electrical work to get your own glow-in-the-dark bike ready, but the results speak for themselves.
Check out the video of the Tron-like bike in action.
And hit up the full tutorial to try them out yourself. Or if wheel lights aren't your thing, perhaps you'd dig illuminated handlebars instead?
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