This video teaches you how to do a check of your bike before you go on a ride, especially if you haven't ridden in a while. Before each ride, check the tire pressure with a tire gauge. Pump it up if i ...
Make sure the bike is properly fit to the child. She should just be able to stand over the top bar of the frame without touching. Install training wheels on the bike. Have the child wear a helmet. Whe ...
To change a tubular bike tire start by stretching the tube. Put your foot on the tire and pull it upward with your hands to stretch it out. Take a clean rim and put Tuflo tire tape onto the rim inch ...
Thebiketube will show you how to prep spokes to build a bike wheel. Prior to lacing the wheel prep the spokes. it provides a lubricant that dries and becomes a lead lock. Use linseed oil, found at an ...
The video is about adjusting the front derailleur of a performance bike. To adjust the front derailleur you have to first adjust the rear derailleur to the smallest gear. To adjust the front derailleu ...
Professional Triathlon, Jessi Stensland, shows tricks to making quick and smooth triathlon transitions. She takes you through racking of your bike, bike equipment checks, gear positioning, helmet and ...
Building your own bike can be an exhilarating and fun experience for anyone, even the most novice of craftsmen. With this tutorial you can learn to start building the rear wheel of a bicycle. He shows ...
The video starts out by showing how a bike rack is helpful in repairing your flat tire. Next it takes you through all of the steps, along with tips and instructions on what you need to do. don't forg ...
This video demonstrates how to change a road bike tire. First you would shift rear cassette to smallest gear and then you would open brake calipers or if you have the v-brakes. Then remove the quick r ...